Monday, May 26, 2014

Weekend in pictures

 This weekend was perfect weather, and was super relaxing.  Just what we needed after a lonnnng week of tantrums and sickness.  On Saturday we didn't do much just lounged around and then met up with my Brother, SIL, and their dog for a long walk at the park.  Sunday we went to the lake, and Charlotte had a blast in the sand and playing in the (freezing cold) water.  Then we just enjoyed the weather the rest of the day and went to a BBQ at my in-laws.  Today Russ had to work unfortunately so me and Char picked up Elisabeth (crazy med school)  and headed to the beach! It is our favorite place and so relaxing and just perfect.  It is right by Canada so your phone doesn't get service so you really are out of touch with people for the time you are there, it is pretty perfect.  It is my definite happy place! That last picture of me and E, my bump is huge, I am wearing a mom tankini, and there is my best friend with her nice abs, I seriously must love her to let a picture like this grace the internet.  Love you E!
All in all it was the best weekend, thank you all to have served, and are serving.  

1 comment:

  1. I love the pic of you and baby girl walking! Too cute!
